Privatised policies and boat choreography

Production date, 2023
Form, video installation, 25 ceramic plates, Greenpeace documents, fish crates

Privatised policies and boat choreography, is an adapted presentation of Who has the right to fish? The installation critically challenges the geopolitical privatisation of the Greater North Sea through the lens of a monopolised fishing industry.

This set up focus and highlights the dissection of ownership by presenting the documents that disclose this information. The work presents a landscape divided by data, where only 25 fishing companies own and control over 80% of the North Sea, through access to crucial fishing quota licences. Leaked Greenpeace data, 25 ceramic plates and videos from my research trips out at sea, expose these companies and reveal the true reality of who owns the sea.

Collaborators and contributors,
David Pettengell, Scientist at (CEFAS) Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Lenka Fronkova, GIS Analist and Team leader, Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Crispin Dowler, Investigative journalist from Greenpeace, UK
Blue Walpole, owner of Hollowshore fisheries, Faversham, UK
Klaas Van Duijn, owner of LT43 Annalijdia & LW13 fishing vessels, NL

2023 Rising Talents, Milan Design Week, IT