Storied fish, from sea to plate
Production date, 2022
Form, video installation, a real microchipped mackerel, trophy podium, fake real plaster fish, fish crates, receipt of transparency

Storied fish, from sea to plate challenges the normal and often ridiculous supply chain that food products travel before arriving on a consumers plate. Designed as a speculative future fish shop the installation offers an alternative to this narrative with the assistance of a fish microchip.
The future fish shop scenario works as a tool to criticise the lack of information that we actually know about produce we eat. The existence of the shop is made possible thanks to a microchip that is planted in the fish once it’s caught onboard the floating factory ship. This chip then tracks the entire journey from sea to plate allowing for the first ever transparent shopping experience.
As a consumer have you ever been curious of the fisherman’s name who caught the fish that you will eat for dinner tonight? In our store we can tell you all the answers! Some of the elements of our shop include; a TV screen that shows a constantly updating menu with new inputs from the fish’s microchip data. In the fish crates are our fake real fish that we have on sale. In the trophy cabinet is our first ever microchipped mackerel! Then finally once our consumers have received their fish they will go home with the receipt of transparency, that dissects all of the information that has been recorded from the fish’s journey.
I hope we can welcome you to the future fish shop to purchase a storied fish soon!

Collaborators and contributors,
Nicola Hampton, Fisheries scientist (CEFAS) Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Roy Hammond, Lowestoft Maritime Museum volunteer, UK
Stanley Earl, Lowestoft Maritime Museum volunteer, UK
GS22 graduation show , Dutch Design Week, NL
Nicola Hampton, Fisheries scientist (CEFAS) Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Roy Hammond, Lowestoft Maritime Museum volunteer, UK
Stanley Earl, Lowestoft Maritime Museum volunteer, UK
GS22 graduation show , Dutch Design Week, NL