Who has the right to fish? 

Production date, 2022
Form, video installation, Corrugated cardboard water island, 25 ceramic plates

Who has the right to fish? Is an investigation into the privatisation of the Greater North Sea through the lens of the commercial fishing industry.

The right to fish is based on a fisherman’s allocation of quota. In the United Kingdom access to the national quota pool has led to the privatisation of our seas. All 4028 under 10 metre fishermen share less than 2% of that national quota, while the other 98% is owned between private companies.

Because of this privatisation the industry is controlled by 5 major fishing companies who collectively dominate 80% of the industry. This monopoly has been constructed through the open market of the Quota Trade. The industry has been opened up like the stock exchange model. Enabling the dominating players within the industry to freely trade and exchange quota allocations to profitably capitalise and exploit the seas natural resources to the highest degree.

When fish stocks are deemed a public asset, but only a handful of people are able to benefit, who has the right to fish?

Collaborators and contributors,
David Pettengell, Scientist at (CEFAS) Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Lenka Fronkova, GIS Anlayst and Team leader, (CEFAS)Centre for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Crispin Dowler, Investigative journalist from Greenpeace, UK
Blue Walpole, owner of Hollowshore fisheries, Faversham, UK
Klaas Van Duijn, owner of LT43 Annalijdia & LW13 fishing vessels, NL

2023 A variation of the research was presented during, Rising Talents, Milan Design Week, IT
2023 The New Current, Art Rotterdam, NL
2022 GS22 graduation show , Dutch Design Week, NL